Preparing for the upcoming pheasant season: Essential jobs and tips

  • DATE26-Mar-2025
Preparing for the upcoming pheasant season: Essential jobs and tips
Chris Cooper
Chris Cooper

With pheasant season fast approaching, now is the perfect time for estates, gamekeepers and shooting enthusiasts across the UK to begin essential preparations. Proper planning and groundwork ensure a successful, enjoyable and sustainable shooting season. Here at, we’ve outlined some key tasks you’ll want to prioritise in the months leading up to the new season.

Building and maintaining pheasant pens

One of the first and most critical jobs is constructing and repairing pheasant pens. Pens need to be secure, robust and comfortable to provide pheasants with the best start in life. It’s crucial to ensure pens have adequate shelter, secure netting and suitable vegetation. Early pen-building allows birds ample time to settle, minimising stress and losses.

Rearing healthy birds

Whether you’re rearing your own birds or sourcing poults, ensuring their health and welfare is essential. Good management includes providing nutritious feed, fresh water and regular veterinary checks. Healthy poults grow into strong, flight-ready birds—making for successful shoots. Consider ordering your birds early from trusted breeders, as quality suppliers book quickly.

Organising work parties

Successful pheasant seasons rely heavily on teamwork. Organising regular work parties or volunteer days helps share the workload, completing essential tasks faster and more efficiently. Work parties build community among shoot members and volunteers, making these gatherings sociable and enjoyable events. Common tasks for work parties include pen maintenance, habitat improvement, clearing rides and checking equipment.

Clearing and managing woodland areas

Healthy woodlands and clear rides are vital for successful pheasant shooting. Clear any overgrown paths, fallen branches or obstructions to encourage bird movement and ensure safe access for beaters and guns. Regular woodland management supports biodiversity, benefiting not only your birds but also local wildlife populations.

Feeding regimes and maintenance

An effective feeding regime is fundamental to holding birds in your shoot area. Install feeding stations early and regularly check feeders, ensuring adequate food levels. Early feeding builds routine and encourages birds to stay in familiar territory, essential for maintaining high bird retention throughout the shooting season.

Pest and predator control

Proper pest control significantly impacts the survival rate of game birds. Regularly check and set traps for predators such as foxes, stoats, rats and crows, as they can quickly deplete bird populations. Effective predator control methods ensure your pheasants thrive, directly influencing your shoot’s success and sustainability.

Why early preparation matters

  • Pens and habitat: Secure, comfortable pens and cleared habitats greatly enhance bird survival rates.

  • Bird health: Healthy, strong birds provide better shooting experiences.

  • Teamwork: Organised work parties spread the workload, creating an enjoyable community atmosphere.

  • Effective feeding: Reliable feeding regimes improve bird retention on your shoot.

  • Pest control: Proactive pest management ensures bird safety and increased survival rates.

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Pheasant Season
Shooting Season
Pheasant Shooting
Preparing for the Next Bird Season
Prepare for Pheasant Season
Pheasant Hunting Trip